Blessings in disguise!
To coin a cliché 'Life is a funny thing' - it is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and while many of them are fun and exciting, heart warming and nostalgic, some are downright painful and leave us wondering 'why?'
This is where I have been in my life over the past few months - I've had a tough few years but felt I was on the up and getting my life firmly back on track, but then another severe knock came and it has made me sit and re-evaluate my life and in particular the past ten years or so. At first I sunk into what I can only describe as the doldrums, I felt flat and hopeless. But more recently I have been working hard to lift myself out of this stagnant state and push forward with plans.
Today I was out in the woods with Hollie, it is a beautiful sunny day and as I walked out of the woods into the field I was lifted by the wind blowing through my hair - I felt rejuvenated, the wind was blowing the cobwebs of my doldrums away! As I walked on and back into the woods I looked around at the trees and plants and noticed how some of the older dead trees had Ivy growing up them, they had metamorphosed into something new, a home for something else, they hadn't truly died. Other trees had been cut down to mere stumps last year, but now they had strong healthy saplings growing from those seemingly dead trunks, they may have taken a year but now they were looking very much alive again. The comparison with life and, in particular, my own life, struck me - we go through changes that often seem so fatal to our wellbeing and happiness, but in time they lead to something so much more fulfilling, something so much better than we would have had if everything had stayed the same - they were true blessings in disguise!
The last ten years or so of my own life have seen divorce, death, illness, numerous house moves, relocation - twice and all the other twists and turns of life. But I can now see how each one has shaped my life for the better, how the place I'm in now and the place I'm going to is so much better than where I have been - those experiences may have been painful, but they have now led to happiness and a sense of direction that I never had before. I do not fear what comes next, because I feel it is all part of some grand master plan that I am not yet privy to, but my guides assure me it has a happy outcome :)