Blessings in disguise!
To coin a cliché 'Life is a funny thing' - it is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and while many of them are fun and exciting,...
What is Faith?
Recently I was asked to write an article on faith - not from a religious point of view, but from an everyday, coping with struggles point...
Angels & Demons
Life has felt somewhat stressful of late and I feel like I have been battling some personal demons as well as calling on angels for some...
The Ever Changing Face of Nature
Today as Hollie and I took our usual doggy walk through the woods I was struck by how much it had changed just lately - we had heavy snow...
A Winter Wonderland
Like much of the country we have had a fair downfall of snow here and I have been lucky enough to get out and enjoy it - with Hollie in...
A Little Piece of History
As already mentioned I live on the grounds of what was once an impressive country house, but now all that is left has been taken over by...
Bend and Break
Today as I was walking with Hollie I marvelled at the many old and bent trees in our woods and at the remaining brick structures that are...
A Walk in the Woods
I am very blessed to live in what is left of the grounds of an old stately home and bordering these grounds are woods and fields. Every...