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Bend and Break

Today as I was walking with Hollie I marvelled at the many old and bent trees in our woods and at the remaining brick structures that are now covered in plants, and it struck me just how strong nature really is.

At one time there was a house in these woods - a big grand house that was very impressive and imposing with beautiful grounds, but all that is left are bits of rubble here and there and one or two walls that haven't quite been reclaimed by nature yet. Unless you knew of the areas history, you would not realise that such a building had once stood until it was finally destroyed by fire in the early 70's, as nature has come back as strong as ever and now thrives where the man made structures once stood.

There are also many big trees that have come down, I imagine through age and high winds, one of them is practically horizontal and yet it lives! Another has fallen and split in two, yet both sides are thriving. Nature can endure so much, it bends and sometimes breaks, but still lives on. I feel so inspired by this and remind myself of the need to be flexible in life, not too rigid, and when I'm knocked down I get back up again - I refuse to be beaten, just like nature x

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