A Little Piece of History
As already mentioned I live on the grounds of what was once an impressive country house, but now all that is left has been taken over by nature and grown into woodland.
As winter has drawn in, the leaves fallen from the trees and the abundant vegetation died down, it has been possible to see more of the ruins of both the house and grounds that once stood on this spot. I have come to realise that one such ruin was in fact the remains of an Orangery, complete with it's own heating system! Close by there is a pond too - a mere hint at the once beautifully manicured gardens.
As I explore the area a picture forms in my head of how it had once looked in it's glory day and my imagination see's the people and servants that once lived here, I can even smell the fresh fruit growing in the Orangery... I climb atop what is left of the impressive frontage, it's pillars fallen and broken into pieces, but it retains it's height and as I stand there I can imagine being in that era, surveying the grand gardens out across open parkland towards what is now a motorway. I find myself rambling through trees and brambles searching for even more evidence of the past - it's become something of a quest.
This funny little woodland, once home to something so grand and beautiful has given me such a wonderful gift - it has fired my imagination and my adventurous inner child leading to many happy discoveries both outside and in!